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3 Things That Will Always be Trending in Biz

Woman in wilderness holding small flowers in hand covering face

Bangs. Bell bottoms. Floral Prints. They’re the trends that keep on trending, making their way back into the women’s and teen’s departments every couple decades or so.

The same can be said for hairstyles, sunglasses, and platform shoes. (As a matter of fact, I was stalking T-Swift’s Insta the other day, and she’s definitely rocking her recent 60s wispy bangs look.)

Fashions and what’s fashionable will always be going in and out of style, but there’s a few business trends that will forever and always be relevant.

In fact – implementing these principles is about more than looking “modish” – they can be vital to running a healthy, streamlined business.

So if you’re feeling like you’re falling a little behind the times, check out these three “trends” to see if you need to do a business mini-makeover.

Offering excellent customer service

The need for courteous, professional interactions with your clients is sort of a no-brainer, isn’t it? We all know that the quality of customer service you provide will either make or break your business.

Happy clients will rave about you to their family, friends, and business associates (ensuring that you get plenty of referrals and repeat business) and disgruntled clients will post 1-star reviews about you on Facebook and do their best to spread the word about how awful you are to work with.

Making sure you have stellar customer service doesn’t require an advanced degree in psychology though… it’s ultimately about managing clients’ expectations.

In fact, I’d venture to say that 100% of customer relationship issues boil down to the client expecting one thing, but getting something else.

Think about it from their point of view…

  • They’re angry because something broke? They were expecting a higher quality product.
  • They’re frustrated with the goods or service delivered? Somewhere along the line they felt they were promised more than they actually got.
  • Are they angry about the cost or payment structure? Either the terms weren’t clear or the deliverables failed to meet their expectations.

Whether the client is right or wrong isn’t really the issue here… but how you communicate with them is.

So it’s important to lay out exactly what services and deliverables they can expect, on what timeline, how much payment is expected when, etc, etc, etc.

Being upfront with your clients (along with a generous helping of professionalism and manners) will go a long way toward establishing your customer service track record.

(Hint: Want to know the best way to make sure that all parties involved know exactly what they’re getting, when? Use a signed contract that clearly spells out the project synopsis and terms.)

Outsourcing the small things

Every entrepreneur, at some point in their journey, is going to be faced with a hard decision: Hire on extra help to manage the small, mundane tasks associated with running their business? Or continue doing it all themselves, wasting precious time and resources and hamstringing their dreams?

(If there’s any doubt about what I’d do, I highly recommend getting the help. I don’t know what I’d do without my team!)

Outsourcing means you free up time and energy spent on little tasks and can start concentrating on planning and executing your big ideas and goals, offering even better and more comprehensive customer service, and even (*gasp*) taking a day off every once in awhile!

(Hint: Not sure what to do to get ready to bring extra hands on board? Check out this handy resource!)

Scaling up to bigger and better things

#truthtime When I launched The Contract Shop, I just wanted to be able to pay my rent and go skiing once in a blue moon. I never dreamed that we’d make close to $80k over a Black Friday weekend, or that I’d become so passionate about providing excellent legal contracts for creative entrepreneurs.

Scaling the business up has been a natural response to customer demand. However, I never would have gotten to this place without paying attention to the other two things I’ve talked about here… good customer service and outsourcing.

So is it time for you to consider scaling up?

Scaling can help you achieve your dreams and serve your clients in a bigger and better way…and still leave time for skiing. #winning

(Hint: Not sure how to start scaling? Start with these two steps).

So is it time for a makeover or are you “on-trend” with your business? Let me know in the comments!

Wanna join up with other fab business owners get more tips and tools for growing your business? Join me over in the Law Law Land Facebook group!

Click here to download the FREE ultimate legit + profitable business guide TODAY!

There’s a few business trends that will forever and always be relevant. In fact – implementing these principles is about more than looking “modish” – they can be vital to running a healthy, streamlined business. So if you’re feeling like you’re falling a little behind the times, check out these three “trends” to see if you need to do a business mini-makeover. | The Contract Shop | #creativeentrepreneur #smallbusiness #contractsforall #entrepreneurs #legaltipsforcreatives

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