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Our Best-Selling 2021 Legal Templates

Our Best-Selling 2021 Legal Templates

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday fast approaching — it’s that time of year already?? — we thought we’d take a look back at our hottest, most popular products that you’re all loving.

(Psst: The Contract Shop® Black Friday sale begins Friday, November 26th, at 12:01am ET, and we’ll have a lot of excellent discounts and bonuses.  Sign up for our email list so you don’t miss it when it starts!)

So, can you guess which of our legal templates have been the biggest sellers of 2021 so far? Keep reading to see if you guessed right!

 The VIP Day Template

Surprise! Our VIP Day Contract Template has been one of our hottest items.



We think more and more business owners are offering VIP Days as part of their services, which is probably why our VIP Day template has been so popular in 2021. And in case you need a refresher, a “VIP Day” is a day you choose to work with one client only to achieve a certain goal or outcome.

Because you’re dedicating one day to team up with your client, it’s super important that expectations are set about availability, schedules, deliverables, what needs to be done in advance, and so on. If you don’t agree upon those expectations beforehand, your VIP Day will be wasted.   

Use The Contract Shop® VIP Day Contract Template to make sure that everything both you and your client need to know about your VIP Day is outlined and crystal clear. This template ensures that you and your clients are on the same page with an easily digestible, legalese-free contract for working together. 

The Coaching Template

Coaching is becoming even more popular in the online business space. Business coaches, life coaches, leadership coaches, oh my! So many biz owners are offering their expertise to clients through private coaching, group coaching, mentorships and consultations, and lots of other coaching services. (Did you know that our founder, Christina Scalera, offers coaching for service-based business owners who want to create passive income through digital products?)

If you’re stepping into the world of coaching yourself, make sure you’re protecting yourself and starting your relationship with new coaching clients off on the right foot with our Coaching Contract Template.

Not only does our contract let your clients know you mean serious business, it also covers important details like payment schedules, intellectual property ownership, confidentiality, and all that good stuff.

Already using the Coaching Contract Template? Awesome. We also have the Assistant Coach Contract Template and the Client Termination Agreement for Coaches if you need ‘em.  

The Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Bundle

Raise your hand if you’ve read the entire terms and conditions before signing up for or downloading something.

..Just us? Yikes. We’re not surprised, though. 

As important as the terms and conditions are — they do create a binding contract between you and whatever you’re using, buying, or downloading — no one wants to waste time reading them. 

Whether you read them or not, as a business owner, it’s essential that you’re including terms and conditions in your contracts with clients. In a nutshell, your T&Cs ensure that your product or service is being used the way you intended.

Oh, and if you run a website for your business, you definitely need a privacy policy, one that covers international privacy and data laws. If you don’t have one, you could be breaking the law and may have to pay hefty fines for doing so.

Need T&Cs and a privacy policy for your business? Our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Bundle includes both! And not just a privacy policy for your website, but also one for your eCommerce store and any online courses. We threw some sweet bonuses into the mix, too.

 Which legal templates do you need?

We have lots of other legal templates in our shop for all kinds of biz owners and their needs, from photographers to online business managers to speakers and more. 

But if you’re feeling overwhelmed by what we have to offer, you can start narrowing down your options by taking our quiz first! Your quiz results will help you figure out what legal templates you need to protect your business.


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