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What makes your contract templates so special, Christina?

Street view of home with balcony and palm tree

Let’s be real, I’m a recovering spender. So I can sympathize with those of you out there wondering why you should even consider buying a contract template from The Contract Shop®.

There are so many options out there when it comes to buttoning up your biz, and, if you’re anything like me, you research, research, research to gather #alltheinfo before spending your hard-earned money.

What you need to know about our contract agreements...

If you’re wondering what makes my contract templates so magical, here's a little diddy for you to consider.

1. The legal stuff —I promise the rest of this post gets much sexier.

I went to law school because I was obsessed with branding. Butttttt not in the designer sense. I was obsessed with the fact that people and companies would spend so much time and money creating something for the people they valued above all else — their consumers and clients.

And, that there were big buttheads out there that would actually just go out and STEAL this stuff that people had worked so hard for so they could make a quick buck. I saw trademarks as a way to protect this great injustice, and I was hooked.

Before I went to Emory for law school, I spent my summers sifting through counterfeit packaging from all over the world and figuring out our strategy to prosecute and protect the brands that I felt so strongly towards.

It’s this same passion I felt when I went in Facebook groups and saw brand and business owners hurting for a good solution —Legal Zoom was too generic, a custom drafted contract was too expensive.

Enter our templates!

Our contract templates are broad enough to fit a niche industry (like wedding planning) but narrow enough to focus on that industry’s exact woes and common frustrations (no hot meal?! WTH client!!)

rock solid contract

2. You’re basically buying a custom contract when you purchase one of our agreements.

I used to offer customization of client contracts as a service, but then I started realizing that my custom contracts resembled my templates. Why? Because my contract templates are so inclusive that they already covered #allthethings a creative entrepreneur would need! 

My contract templates are also peer-reviewed by top IP (intellectual property) litigators and graduates of top 20 law schools. In normal people language, that means these contracts have been reviewed by at least three lawyers experienced with dealing with the bad people of the world out there to rip you off… making them pretty trustworthy.

Plus, my contract templates include LIFETIME updates, so as the creative industry shifts and new types of collaborations arise, your contract stays up-to-date (without the unnecessary and expensive $$$ attorney fees) so you don’t have to panic every time you sign a new client.

3. From one creative to another.

Many people choose to have a local attorney draft a client contract for them when they’re just starting out, because that’s what someone told them to do. They probably excitedly referred them to their attorney with raving reviews.

There’s nothing wrong with this advice, and you’ll likely get an okay contract, but a local attorney who is an amazing fit for your friend may not be THE ONE for you.

Does he or she know the creative industry or the ins and outs of running an online business?

Does he or she even know what a ‘styled shoot’ is, or set one up before?

Probably not, and that will definitely be reflected in the client contract they create for you.

I’m a lawyer, but I’m also a creative.

I said I wasn’t going to defend my own creative passions but here I go. In case you were wondering where my access to the community comes from, I had my own (*cough* not very successful) Etsy shop; I paint (every now and then you’ll see one on Instagram); I’m a professionally trained floral designer; and I've been fine tuning my modern calligraphy skills.

If you’re still not convinced, you should download my Rock Solid Contract Checklist to get to know exactly what makes a contract airtight.

contract templates for creative entrepreneurs and online businesses

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