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What to Do If a Potential Client DOESN'T Book You

what to do if a potential client doesn't book you

There's one word that scares business owners most. So what's this infamous word and why is it so scary?

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  • Wondering how to stop losing leads once you get them on the hook? Clients on Tap is my signature program that will help you nail the sales convo and streamline your client onboarding. 


If you’re like me when I first started my business, you’re really afraid of hearing N-O😱😱

As I’ve talked to more and more service-based business owners and entrepreneurs who are trying to make a name for themselves, the fear of “No” can be a real nightmare.

None of us enjoy rejection, right? But the truth is: Your business isn’t for everyone. 

Your services aren’t always the right fit at the right time. It doesn’t have to be a personal rejection, and hearing “No” doesn’t mean you’re a trash human or that your business won’t succeed.

I’ll tell you something that really helped me when I heard “No” at the beginning of my career: “No” is probably more about THEM than it is about YOU.

Maybe it wasn’t the right time, maybe they were just shopping around for future needs, maybe they couldn’t afford your services, maybe you didn’t offer exactly what they needed. But you’ll never know if you don’t ask.

This is where “The Magic of the Follow-Up” comes in...

Let’s say you get a potential client on the hook and they inquire about your services. Then… crickets 🦗🦗🦗

What went wrong? Why didn’t they respond back?? Remember the Magic of the Follow-Up. 

There's nothing wrong with emailing the potential client and asking if they're still interested in your services. Let them know you're available to help them and that you’re happy to answer any questions they may have.

And guess what? If they say “No” — it’s not over! Let them know that you totally understand, appreciate their time, and ask one of three things: 

1 | Ask for a specific # of referrals, like "If you know two people who could benefit from my services, I would really appreciate it if you shared my business with them!"

2 | Ask why they didn’t buy. This can feel scary for service providers because it might feel rude, but it's not. You can ask this question and use their answers for future sales calls or copy.

3 | Ask if they want to join your email list, especially if they say they're just not ready to start a project with you right now, but may be interested in the future. 

I know it might sound scary to put yourself out there in these ways, but you’d be surprised. You might just book another client simply because you had the guts to ask. 


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