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Get Ready for 2025: Book More Clients Without Burning Out

Get Ready for 2025: Book More Clients Without Burning Out

Oh hey there, 2025. We see you peeking around the corner! If you’re like us, you’re probably spending the last month of 2024 taking care of last minute to-dos and winding down for the holidays. It’s been one helluva year, and we all deserve a break.

One question, though. Have you put any thought into getting ready for the New Year? Will your biz spring back into action once vacation is over?

Preparing for 2025 doesn’t mean you have to skip time off, nor do you need to push yourself so hard that you risk burning out. We have some simple tips to help you book more clients and get your biz in order for the New Year now, so you can truly enjoy your holiday break! 

Respond to inquiries ASAP

You’ve done everything you’re supposed to do to book clients. You’ve joined all the summits, written perfect email newsletters, and spent more time than you’d like to admit on social media...but things just aren’t working out. All your efforts just aren’t converting to sales.

Here’s one secret we’ll share to help you start booking more clients: don’t make ‘em wait. If a potential client reaches out to you, respond as quickly as you can within reason

No need to answer at 3 am or anything, but remember that business moves fast. People have so many options at their fingertips nowadays that they don’t need to wait on you. If they don’t get a response fast, they’ll just move on to one of your competitors.

Psst: a CRM tool can help you do this on automation!

Stand out from the rest by trademarking your biz

Trademarking your business name — as well as your products, logos, taglines, and other things unique to your biz — might not seem like it’s related to booking clients, but it is. Hear us out.

Trademarking your biz is important because it offers you some protection from thieves and copycats. For example, another company can’t use your logo, or even a logo too similar to yours, for their own business. (There’s lots more to trademarking that we can teach you.)

However, trademarking also shows potential clients that you’re credible. You took the time to protect your biz by researching existing trademarks, filing the paperwork to trademark, and keeping an eye out for those aforementioned copycats and thieves. They’ll know that you’ll take similar professional care when working with them.

Check in with your business plan 

If you haven’t looked at your business plan since launching your small business and filing your LLC, it may be a good time to check in on it, especially if you rushed through some decisions so you could get your biz off the ground. One thing we often see small business owners forget about or neglect? Which address they use for their LLC. 

“But I don’t have a brick-and-mortar business and I work by myself!” you say. “Why do I need a business address?”

Fair question. Using your home address is the easiest, quickest option. But when you use your home address, anyone and everyone you do business with knows where you live — eek! It can also cause legal issues down the road. 

Your best bet is to get a business address for your LLC rather than use your home address. That can be a P.O. box, a physical office space, or a virtual office address. All of these options vary in price and requirements for setting them up, but they’re all more secure (and more professional looking) than using your home address. 

Get out of your own way

Are you letting fear get in the way of reaching your goals? It’s almost 2025. Let’s kick that fear to the curb, shall we?

Being fearless is definitely easier said than done, and even more so when it comes to starting your own business! Unless you had an amazing mentor show you exactly how to do it, you may not know how to launch your business at all.

The good news is, you can learn what you need to know to combat those fears. If you suffer from fear of failure, financial fears, fear of legal issues, or any of these very common fears, then arm yourself with knowledge and start getting your business off the ground.

Want more detailed tips on booking clients? How about a whole system that’ll teach you everything you need to know? Our Clients On Tap® course will teach you how to find, land, and keep your dream clients. You know, the awesome ones who’ll pay you what you’re worth and trust your expertise.

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